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Chaves County
General Election
November 5, 2002
Welcome to Chaves County, New Mexico, USA
Constitutional Amendments
Bond Questions
Constitutional Amendment I
Permit Bernalillo county to seek voter approval to become an urban county and
permit Bernalillo county and Albuquerque to seek voter approval to merge into a
single urban government.
Constitutional Amendment II
Eliminate term limits for county elected officials.
Bond Question A
The 2000 Capital Projects General Obligation Bond Act authorizes the issuance
and sale of senior citizen facility improvement and equipment bonds. Shall the
state be authorized to issue general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed
five million eight hundred twelve thousand five hundred sixty-seven dollars
($5,812,567) to make capital expenditures for certain senior citizen facility
improvements and equipment projects and provide for a general property tax
imposition and levy for the payment of principal of, interest on and expenses
incurred in connection with the issuance of the bonds and the collection of the
tax as permitted by law?
Chaves County items:
one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) to improve the Joy senior
center in Roswell in Chaves county
forty thousand dollars ($40,000) to purchase vehicles for the senior
program in Chaves county
Bond Question B
The 2000 Capital Projects General Obligation Bond Act authorizes the issuance
and sale of public educational capital improvements and acquisition bonds. Shall
the state be authorized to issue general obligation bonds in an amount not to
exceed fifty-eight million two hundred sixty-two
thousand dollars ($58,262,000) to make capital expenditures for certain
public educational capital improvements and acquisitions and provide for a
general property tax imposition and levy for the payment of principal of,
interest on and expenses incurred in connection with the issuance of the bonds
and the collection of the tax as permitted by law?
Chaves County items:
five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) to plan, design and construct
expansions to the classrooms in the aviation maintenance department facility at
the Roswell campus in Chaves county
to the board of regents of New Mexico military institute, one million five
hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000) to renovate Lea hall in Roswell in Chaves
Bond Question C
The 2000 Capital Projects General Obligation Bond Act authorizes the issuance
and sale of state facilities and equipment bonds. Shall the state be authorized
to issue general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed twenty-six million
two hundred twelve thousand five hundred dollars ($26,212,500) to make capital
expenditures for state facilities and equipment and provide for a general
property tax imposition and levy for the payment of principal of, interest on
and expenses incurred in connection with the issuance of the bonds and the
collection of the tax as permitted by law?
