This year end report for 1998 shows continual improvement in the services and programming that is being provided for the general Roswell public by the Roswell Recreation Department. It also shows some areas that continue to need improvement. Our overall costs to provide this program to the general public will compare with most other nationwide departments very favorably. Our professional staff are some of the best in the nation. They work under changing and diverse situations almost every day and do an excellent job in providing for the general publics needs.
Roswell can be proud of her Recreation Department!
In 1998 the Recreation Department:
1. Provided activities that were safe and wholesome in nature.
2. Provided opportunities for the family to interact together.
3. Provided health and fitness opportunities for the community.
4. Provided for an atmosphere of leisure.
5. Provided information to educate the community about the benefits of leisure.
6. Provided an opportunity to the community to give their input concerning programming.
7. Provided opportunities for self-expression of individuals and to promote self-esteem.
8. Provided opportunities that promoted an economic boost to the community.
9. Provided for an atmosphere of competition for those who wanted competition and an atmosphere of non-competitiveness for those who did not.10. Provided an opportunity for social and cultural interaction within the community.
11. Provided educational and learning opportunities for all ages in the community.
12. Provided the opportunity for the community to learn and participate in life long skill activities.
13. Provided the opportunity for organizations in the community to share their experience with others.
14. Promoted cooperation, teamwork and sportsmanship.
15. Provided the opportunity for participants to meet and make new friends.
MISSION: The Roswell Recreation Department strives to meet the community's recreational needs and interests by providing a wide variety of quality and wholesome leisure activities through traditional and innovative programming. We are committed to enhancing the quality of life and personal growth for individuals of all ages, and families through participation in passive and active activities. We will work cooperatively with other organizations and agencies to provide needed leisure services and facilities for the community. We are committed to effectively utilizing all available resources and to sustain the confidence of those we serve.
1. Annual Numbers
# of Participants - 38,424
# of Participations - 281,698
Revenue - $231,568 *
% Revenue/Expense - 24% (does not include value of donations & volunteers)
Expense - $974,572 *
Cost/Participant - $19.50/Participant - $2.64/Participation
Budget -
1.6% ($16,532) unspent (Realistically, this figure is 3% because an additional expense was assigned to our budget to cover past years gross receipts tax payments.)
1.7% ($13,618) revenue over budget
The Recreation Department had a pretty good year with 38,424 different individuals being served throughout the year. This figure is up considerably (35%) over last years figure. These individuals participated 281,698 times in our programs, which is also an increase have 7%, during 1998 for an overall average cost of $19.50/person served. Each time someone participated in one of our programs it cost us an average of $2.66/participation. The income/expense ratio for the overall Department is 24%, not counting the value of donations and volunteer hours which would cause that figure to change considerably, especially taking into account our Special Programs and Adult Center Divisions.
Of the revenue budgeted ($168,650) in the Recreation Budget over which we have control, the Department brought in 100%($168,077) of anticipated revenues in those accounts. Overall, this should be considered very good since our services provided are not static but change every year according to the needs of the community.
Specifically, the Roswell Adult Center brought in $38,434 in revenue which is 101% of the budgeted amount.
The Cahoon Park Swimming Pool brought in $25,595 which is 115% of the budgeted amount.
The Special Programs Division brought in $33,540 which is 102% of the budgeted amount.
Yucca Recreation Center brought in 93% of the budgeted amount or $70,508.
We provided services at Cahoon Swimming Pool for $26.39/person or $3.17/participation.
We provided services at Yucca Recreation Center for $31.81/person or $2.80/participation.
We provided services at the Roswell Adult Center for $35.53/person or $1.84/participation.
We provided services with our Special Programs Division for $2.98/person or $1.53/participation.
Overall, we provided services to the general public for $19.50/person or $2.66/participation.
These figures reflect our best estimate of services provided by the Recreation Department during 1998 and include direct income and expenses for all divisions including administration.
MISSION: Recreation Administration will strive to assist the Departmental Divisions in administration and planning while cooperatively and effectively striving to meet both current and future needs of the community to enhance their quality of life.
The office location is ideally suited in Cahoon Park next to the Cahoon Swimming Pool and the Spring River Parkway. The park setting with offices next to major components of the Department, makes it ideal for the general public to have access to the Department, and continues to aid in public recognition of not only the Recreation Department but also the Park Department with whom we share office space. Many events occur in Cahoon Park and the office and meeting space is utilized as an operations center throughout the year.
Planning and project coordination is done out of our office. During 1998 planning for a new skateboard park was completed. The location for this site is near the Unity Center in Cielo Grande Recreation Area. Sites Southwest from Albuquerque is doing the design. They worked with the youth on the design. If all the needed funds for an initial 5,000 square feet of skating area in Phase I can be located, the park site should be built by summer of 1999.
Goals for 1999:
Recreation Administration will:
1. Maintain positive communication within the Department.
2. Provide direction for the various Recreation Department Divisions.
3. Set and meet deadlines within the Department.
4. Develop a staff handbook.
MISSION: The Recreation Program Analyst will gather and inform staff and the community about the Roswell Recreation Departments events, mission, and the importance of the leisure industry in our community.
Public relations, staff training, marketing, and program evaluation are all done from the Recreation Administrative offices with Laurie Jerge, CLP, our Recreation Program Analyst heading up these areas. During 1998, the Department sent out at least 221 news releases and staff was scheduled at least 160 times to appear either on TV or radio. Laurie has a daily radio spot on KCKN and those appearances are not included in the above totals. The Director writes a monthly article for Vision Magazine called "The Leisure Incident".
Through the efforts of the Recreation Program Analyst, the Recreation Department received several State awards and two national awards. Applying for an award is very time consuming, but, the rewards of recognition by professional peers and the local community is very important for staff morale and the continued production of services for the community. Staff appreciates the occasional well done received when an award is received.
Staff training received a boost with a regular schedule of training set up for staff. Special speakers like Marlin Wells, Rick Kraft, Kevin Moore and the Department Head were appreciated by staff. This was an area that needed to be addressed as listed in last years report.
Several areas were surveyed from Special Programs, Roswell Adult Center and Yucca Recreation Center with the results being used to improve other program offerings. This is an area where even though we are surveying the people in our various programs and facilities, more still needs to be completed in a timely manner. Surveys might need to be implemented to determine how our programs are benefiting the Roswell community more. The Roswell Adult Center survey will be evaluated very closely to consider possible changes or additions to our programming at the Center.
A formal marketing plan has not been developed even though it is felt that we are not necessarily falling behind in this area. We are doing fairly well in getting word out in the community about our programs and services, but we can still do better. A formal plan would help us with overall direction and is one of the standards for agency accreditation. The national campaign, "Parks and Recreation The Benefits Are Endless!" would fit very well into a marketing plan.
Improved communication has occurred between Recreation Supervisors, Administrative Staff and the Program Analyst, however, this is an area that still needs to be improved. It might also be in the best interest of the Department for the Recreation Program Analyst to control all accounts with budgeted advertising and marketing funds. This would also require positive, regular communication between the Supervisors and the Analyst.
Very little has been done in the area of continued self-assessment of our operation compared to national standards. This has taken a back burner during 1998 with the Directors approval, but should be emphasized more in 1999.
Goals for 1999:
The Program Evaluation Division:
MISSION: The Roswell Special Programs Division strives to promote the quality of life and personal growth among its participants by working with the community to provide a variety of quality activities and special events throughout the year.
Special Programs are also housed in the Recreation Administrative Offices and is headed by Joe Vargas, CLA. This division stays busy all year round with the planning of events and activities for people of all ages in the community. These are events like Festival in the Park, Cahoon Park and other runs, Summer Schoolground Program, Concerts in the Park, The Roswell Games, Air Force Jazz Band, Party On The Pecos, Alien Village at the UFO Festival, Cinco De Mayo Celebration, Fishing Clinic, Latino Bands Appreciation Celebration, and others.
The Special Programs Division truly works with the community in bringing activities and events into the community. During 1998, the Division worked cooperatively with Character Counts, DARE, Noon Optimist Club, Sertoma, Fireworks Committee, UFO Encounter 98 Committee, RHS, GHS, NMMI, University High, and most if not all of the Roswell elementary and mid schools including the private schools, Partners in Education, HOST, Tobosa Developmental Services, Roswell Chamber, Hispano Chamber, Invest In Youth, Leadership Roswell, Roswell Teen Leadership, Keep Roswell Beautiful, Community League, Wilderness Hikers, Roswell Runners Club and many others. These working relationships are extremely beneficial for the community and their time and effort is invaluable.
The Summer Band Camp program continues to increase in popularity. We have been very fortunate in being able to contract with Mr. John Batson to direct and coordinate the camp, which has been very successful. Even though the support from the High Schools have not been what we would have anticipated, as the program continues to gain support in the community, the support will be there for us in the future. We need to plan for the future to make sure we can draw quality band instructors into our program.
The Summer Schoolground Program continues to be a viable service provided to the community, even though it is expensive. We may have to evaluate this area to see if changes need to be made.
Goals for 1999:
The Special Programs Division will:E. CAHOON PARK SWIMMING POOL
MISSION: Cahoon Park Swimming Pool strives to provide quality, seasonal, aquatic and leisure time services for the Roswell community in the form of instruction, rentals, special events and general swims.
Cahoon Park Swimming Pool, located next to the Recreation Offices in Cahoon Park, had a pretty good season taking into account the fact that the diving boards had been previously removed due to safety code. Nothing has been added to replace the play value of the boards even though capital requests for equipment have been made at budget time. Most of our revenue is received during the first half of the season.
Approximately 3,500 different individuals came to Cahoon Pool 29,137 times. Revenue was up slightly at $25,728 while our expenses from the Recreation Fund budget were $117,947. When we consider the extra hours that the Park Department also contributes to the Pool operation we continue to lose approximately $75,000-$80,000 per year.
An engineering firm, Smith Engineering, provided us with a breakdown of what needed to be completed at the pool. Their findings were similar to those found by Water Technology in 1995 when they surveyed the condition of the pool. We started the process to have Smith Engineering draw up construction documents for repairs at the pool but did not have the contract executed by the end of the year.
Goals for 1999:
Cahoon Park Swimming Pool will
MISSION: The Roswell Adult Center promotes quality of life for adults in the community through leisure learning, club activities, volunteer activities and social opportunities.
The Roswell Adult Center (RAC) is a place for all adults in the community. Over 150 classes were offered to the community during the year with @1,200 students registered. Approximately 50 groups and organizations meet at the RAC on a regular basis and @ 40 different groups or individuals rented the Center during the year. This means that approximately 4,000 different people used the facility almost 77,122 times during 1998 at an approximate cost of $35.53/participant or @$1.84 every time someone entered the facility.
Staff at the RAC are Diane Holdson, CLA, Recreation Supervisor, who has been absent a lot the second half of the year due to illness, Shelia McKnight, CLA, Recreation Leader II, and Lynda Patton, Clerical Aide along with the Custodial Worker II, Nancy Kilgore. Our former Custodial Worker II, Mr. James Belt, retired during the year. Most of the programs and events at the RAC are planned with the help of volunteers. Our staff works mainly as facilitators and does an excellent job of working with volunteers and participants to make sure programs meet the needs of the community.
The Lifelong Scholar program, Senior Olympic program, Armchair Travelers program, Christmas Gift Fair and other programs continue to be very popular at the RAC.
The Baby Boomer market needs to be tapped by the RAC and planning continues to determine how this can be done. Another concern is that it appears to be more difficult to locate qualified instructors for the various classes being offered.
We surveyed those participants of the RAC who are on the Courier mailing list. The survey showed a very high degree of satisfaction with the staff and programs. The survey also mentioned friction that exists between staff, the RAC Foundation, and some volunteers. Though not many listed these areas as problems, we are looking into the possibility that we can improve in these areas.
A $350,000 grant has been requested from the New Mexico State Agency on Aging to provide for a needed new addition to the RAC. We were informed that this request rated very high as a need but would not be requested from the State Legislature this year because no requests were being made from the State Agency on Aging for new construction or building additions. However, they indicated that if one of the state representatives would carry a bill through, it had a very good opportunity to pass. The City Council placed a limit of $300,000 on each departmental request, so this project was not submitted from the City. This request follows the Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan recommendations.
More effort may need to be put into the area of marketing to the younger adult. An effort was made to work with Yucca Recreation Center to have a joint registration of programs. Some young adult classes are being held at Yucca Recreation Center. This has worked out very well so far and we plan to continue this joint effort between our centers.
Goals for 1999:
The Roswell Adult Center will:
MISSION: The Yucca Recreation Center is dedicated to providing quality and professional recreational programs and services to meet the needs of the community.
Yucca Recreation Center, 500 S. Richardson, is the old Roswell High School facility that was given to the City of Roswell to be used by the Recreation Department in 1975. Gladie Guzman, CLP, is the Recreation Supervisor with Shirley Williams, CLA, Recreation Leader II as the assistant. Lisa Schanck and Sara Hall fill the Recreation Leader I position. The current team seems to work well together. A need exists for a PT or FT Clerical Worker to do the paperwork.
An estimated 9,350 different individuals participated @ 106,196 times in programs
offered by Yucca. This includes those programs not held at the Center. Some of these
programs are Youth Basketball, Aerobics, Adult Volleyball, Vacation Fun Programs, Easter
Egg Hunt, Fall Festival, Tae Kwon Do, Kite Festival, Youth Dances, and others.
Physical Education for Homeschoolers continues to be very successful. The Summer Vacation Fun Program increased in participation over last year and Roswell Folklorico continues to be well attended. Aerobics with Floyd Bell is doing very well. Real American Karate rented space at the Center and has helped the overall attendance at the Center.
The Wrestling program was dropped during the year because the instructor moved to Albuquerque. The Fall Volleyball program was not successful but plans have already been made to make changes in the program to again make it a successful program.
Maintaining an old facility continues to be a challenge. Three times during the summer, squirrels caused power outages at the center requiring repair work to our cooling system and sending the Fire Department to the building once. Work that still needs to be completed is the north and south locker room renovation and the replacement of the rest of the outside windows to the building that has not already been replaced with KalWal.
The Youth Basketball Program held at Yucca for games and most schools for practices is very successful. Having the 6-7 year olds play before Christmas really helps the overall program to have more space, especially during the season after Christmas for the older youth.
Cost per participant at Yucca is @$31.81 with a cost of each participation only @$2.80.
The RISD, TDTC, GED and ESL programs along with a variety of classes and civic organizations utilize the Center.
The Concession area, even though it appears to be doing well, can still be improved. Consistency is important.
Goals for 1999:
Yucca Recreation Center will:
The Roswell Tennis Association, with the help of Mr. Dick Satterlee and Mr. Alberto Goenaga, our contracted tennis professionals, continues to grow. We still are not keeping specific records in this area at this time, but we feel that we will begin this year.
Goal for 1999:
During 1998, the Department, and people associated with the Department, received several awards. A lot of time and effort goes into these applications, but it is well worth the effort to be recognized by peers and other professionals.
1. For the second year in a row, the Roswell Recreation Department received national recognition from the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA). NRPA Kudos Awards in the areas of "Best PSA" with KCKN and "Best Overall Communicator" were given to the Department. These awards will be picked up in Fayettville, AR during the Southwest and Midwest Professional Leadership and Training Institute in March of 1999. They were to be given in Miami, FL but Hurricane Georges kept us from receiving these awards as planned.
2. The Southwest Region of NRPA awarded Timothy Jennings a Southwest Regional Citation Award and honored the "Hobby Show and Lifelong Scholars Program" at the Roswell Adult Center with the Southwest Regional Arts and Humanities Award.
3. The New Mexico Recreation and Park Association (NMRPA) also favored the Department with several awards given in Taos, NM during the Associations annual business meeting in September. Awards received were:
The Denver Bennett Award for best overall program.
The Recreation Program of the Year was given to the Roswell Youth Basketball Program.
The Senior Program of the Year Award was given to the Roswell Adult Center.
The Arts and Humanities Program Award was given to Roswell Folklorico.
The Volunteer of the Year award was given to Bob Edwards.
An Individual Citation was given to Stan Crosby.
A Group Citation was given to the Noon Optimist Club of Roswell.
4. Bob Edwards received the Volunteer Award from the Roswell Convention & Visitors Bureau while Joe Vargas received the Professional Service Award. The Recreation Department received a Good Neighbor Award also from the Convention and Visitors Bureau.
Receiving the various awards listed shows to staff, and the community that the Roswell Recreation Department is doing a lot of good in the community.
Goal for 1999:
The Roswell Recreation Department will
Professional training opportunities are seen as extremely valuable to the Department. Because the leisure industry is constantly changing, it is very important for staff to keep up with current trends in the industry so we can best meet the needs of the Roswell community.
Full time professional staff are all members of the New Mexico Recreation and Park Association. Recreation Leader IIs and above are also members of the National Recreation and Park Association. The Roswell Recreation Department is an Agency member of the NRPA which allows for the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Parks and Recreation Committee to be NRPA Citizen Board Members and also allows for all Departmental professional memberships to be discounted. Members receive current national publications and journals and professional development opportunities throughout the year.
The Director is currently serving a term as the NRPA Southwest Regional Professional Representative from New Mexico. The Recreation Superintendent is serving a term as Chairman of the New Mexico Professional Certification Board, the Recreation Program Analyst is the current Awards Chair for NMRPA, and other staff are helping plan the 1999 NMRPA State Conference which will be held in Carlsbad. Staff helps with the Association when asked because it helps to give a more rounded view of the leisure profession, which benefits us locally, and helps us to keep in touch with what other professionals in the field are doing. This relates to better servicing the needs of the Roswell community.
The Department is an organizational member of the United States Tennis Association (USTA), American Volksport Association (AVA), American Kiting Association (AKA), and the Learning Educational Resource Network (LERN). We also have an individual membership in the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA). Membership in these organizations helps us to keep on top of current trends in the leisure industry and helps us in programming for the community.
Goal for 1999:
There are currently fifty-seven (57) Certified Leisure Professionals in New Mexico. Of that total, Roswell has four (4) Certified Leisure Professional's (CLP) who are Kim Elliott, Heidi C. Sims, Laurie Jerge and Gladie Guzman; and, four (4) Certified Leisure Associate's (CLA), who are Diane Holdson, Shelia McKnight, Shirley Williams and Joe Vargas. We have the highest percentage of certified full-time staff of any department in the State of New Mexico. This means that the community can have the assurance of recreation staff that has a basic knowledge and experience in leisure service delivery. Staff is very proud of this accomplishment. Our goal is to have all full-time staff certified as either CLPs or CLAs.
Goal for 1999:
The Department is continuing the process of assessing our operational procedures and comparing them with national standards. We put this on hold for a while as other projects needed our attention, but we expect to place more emphasis in this area next year. This may eventually lead to national accreditation of the Department by the Commission on the Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies (CAPRA). The most important aspect of this is that we have begun the process of improving our current operation. Assistance from the Park Department will be needed in this area. If actual accreditation is to be sought, then it might be worth the effort to try to accredit both the Park Department and the Recreation Department at the same time.
Goal for 1999:
1. The Roswell Recreation Department will continue the process of evaluating our current operation as compared with national standards.
A. In general, the mission of the Recreation Department was accomplished during 1998. It is felt that the Department did very well with the money allocated. We continue to train staff to meet the needs of the public, plan activities that are needed in the community, and, work cooperatively with many organizations to provide needed leisure services. We continue to have room to improve!
We are still not meeting the communitys needs in the aquatic area when it comes to families. Cahoon Pool is a baby sitting facility and will not change, even if renovated. A new outdoor Family Aquatic Center is the solution for this problem.C.
There continues to be a need for modernization of our leisure facilities. Even though we may currently be providing adequate facilities, we could be doing a better job of meeting the needs of the Roswell community. The RAC, Yucca Recreation Center, and Recreation Administrative Offices all need to be updated and modernized. A new outdoor Family Aquatic Center is still needed to replace the old Cahoon Park Swimming Pool facility. Tennis courts continue to need renovation. Cahoon Park along with other parks need renovation. The modernization of these facilities and the development of new are important as we begin a new century.VI. SUGGESTIONS FOR THE FUTURE
. We need to continue to press for the needs of the Department in reference to modernization of leisure facilities. This will also benefit the community and will encourage business to locate in the community. We need to continue to press for a new Recreation addition to the Parks and Recreation Administrative Offices in Cahoon Park, a new addition at the Roswell Adult Center for needed space, and continued renovation of Yucca Recreation Center to see the original project to completion. Also, we will need to press for the development of the Family Aquatic Center at Cielo Grande Recreation Area since the Cahoon Swimming Pool does not meet the needs of the community and renovation will not solve the major needs we currently have at the site. The further development of the other aspects of Cielo Grande Recreation Area should be a priority for new facilities.A
There is a need to continue a strategy of surveying the general community to gather information to help us in planning our programs. We may need to focus on specific areas as determined by past surveys.C.
It will be beneficial to expand the band program and start a drama program in the community. Little seems to be done in these areas, especially with the youth. However, budget is a key in this area.D.
Concerning the operation of the Department, we need to continue assessing and comparing our current operation with the national standards developed by CAPRA. As we determine our deficiencies, we will try and correct them in an effort to have a better department. This may eventually lead to national accreditation of the Department.E.
Last year we mentioned the need to develop a marketing plan and a written security plan for the Department. This is still important, but it has taken a back seat to what some would deem to be more of a priority. Both of these areas, a marketing plan and security plan, are seen as very important for the future.F.
Tennis in Roswell is growing. The Department will need to watch what happens very closely in the community to make sure we are meeting the communities needs in this area.G.
New activities and events should always be considered for inclusion in all aspects of our programming making sure that the budget will allow us to plan and develop these ideasH.
The Department has done fairly well getting organizations to honor and recognize our supporters who have contributed much to leisure in Roswell. We should continue this effort, even though it is time consuming. It is good for the community and the Department.I.
Staff training remains as one of our goals and is extremely important to the quality of the services that we provide. We will continue to provide training opportunities for staff and send staff to professional training, as the budget will allow.J
. The Department does not have secretarial staff on payroll with the exception of a clerical aide at the Roswell Adult Center. The Administrative staff is not in as dire a need for secretarial personnel as long as we can share with the Park Department. However, Yucca Recreation Center relies on all recreation staff to do secretarial and reception duties. This poses some problems, especially in dealing with the public. The addition of a clerical worker at Yucca Recreation Center should be looked at very closely to aid in the efficiency of the operation. It is also important, at some time in the future, to look at removing the clerical work assumed by the Recreation Superintendent in areas of finance and personnel so more time can be devoted to the day to day operation of the Department. It may also aid in improving our communication between certain offices at City Hall.K.
Looking at the possibility of raising fees should continue to be considered, since the general public felt that we should charge more for our services in a survey completed in 1997.M. It is important to plan for the future. Even though we may be providing adequate programs and services in our current facilities, it is very easy to get behind and then have to play catch up. If this happens, the cost to provide needed services and facilities will increase more than our ability to provide.
The Recreation Department needs to link facilities possibly with an intranet application and specifically with our registration software. The RecWare software is ideally suited for our situation. The need is to purchase the multi-site software application so we can begin to be more efficient in our operation and to track our users better. Along the same lines, we need to better develop the world wide web space provided to us for our use. We are not taking advantage like we should of the available technology.
The Recreation Department does a good job with what we are given to work with in the community. We have good staff and a great community for which to work. If we can keep our eyes on the future we will continue to move forward to meeting the needs of the community.
Submitted by:
Kim Elliott, CLP
Recreation Director
City of Roswell, NM