South Park Cemetery

City PinAbout the City of Roswell, New Mexico, USA

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The cemetery was founded about 1886, and the first burials were transfers from the local Catholic graveyard. The cemetery is presently composed of about 206 acres; 96 acres are under irrigation. There are 300 - 400 trees on the cemetery premises.

Under present projections, there are spaces in the irrigated portion of the cemetery to last until the year 2020. The undeveloped portion will last for another 100 years.

There are 7 full time employees and 2 or 3 part time employees at the cemetery. The cemetery is maintained and operated at no cost to the taxpayers. It is self-sustaining and has no debts. In calendar year, 1994 there were 361 burials at the cemetery.

The cemetery added a $250,000 sprinkler system in 1977, a repair building in 1985 at a cost of $100,000 and has redone the office building in 1990 at a cost of $75,000.

Most of the cemetery funds are maintained in various CD's with local lending agencies. All funds are administered by the City of Roswell.

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