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The Engineering department currently has seven full-time employees and two temporary summer workers. We have had, through a State program, for over a year, an additional part time worker. The department is charged with a multitude of tasks. Most of the work involves the design of various projects for the City. Projects can range in size from designing disabled access curbs to the Main Street Reconstruction Project. Some other projects have been the Sunset Reconstruction, Union Avenue Reconstruction, replacement of the canopy at the Airport Terminal Building and survey work at the old Municipal Airport property. Elevations are also done by the Engineering Department to provide proper drainage when development takes place on City property. The engineering test lab makes sure that the base course, cement and asphalt meet specifications. Traffic counts are also conducted so that recommendations can be made by the City Engineer for traffic signals, or whether a stop sign is warranted on a particular intersection. Plans for bids and specifications are also provided. Maps of polling districts, city council districts, zoning and subdivisions are also kept current and available for the public. Records on city owned easements are also kept by this department.
Since the later part of 1989, the Zoning Department has been merged with this department. This activity consists of two persons who are responsible for the interpretation and enforcement of the City of Roswell's Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances. This involves reviewing building permit applications for compliance with zoning regulations. It is also responsible for reviewing subdivision development requests. This involves meeting with the developer and his engineer and the city planner to ensure that the proposed development meets with City subdivision regulations. Staff review also includes making sure that development is done according to the City's Master Plan. Zoning also provides support to the rest of the department with clerical support and expertise. Flood plain information is also obtained through this office. Zoning provides support to the building inspector with building plan review and makes recommendations to the City Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council on applications for zone changes, subdivisions, variances and special uses. A large amount of time is expended in working with the public on a one to one basis for these requests. Certified mailings to property owners within 100 feet of any zoning request are also made. A legal notice is required to be published each month for the cases that will be heard by the Commission at a public hearing held on the last Tuesday of the month.
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